Specialty Services in Glendale, AZ

Why race across town to dentists you don’t know? We provide comprehensive, specialized dental care in one familiar place.

Full-mouth reconstruction, full-mouth rehabilitation, and full-mouth restoration are terms often used interchangeably to describe the process of rebuilding or restoring all of the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws simultaneously. Your dentist, who has years of experience working with the materials and procedures related to full-mouth reconstruction, will develop a plan that addresses all your needs and will leave you with a perfect smile, ideal bite, and optimal function.

You may be a candidate for full-mouth reconstruction if:

  • Your teeth have been lost due to decay or trauma
  • Your teeth have been injured or fractured
  • Your teeth have become severely worn because of long-term acid erosion (from foods, beverages, or acid reflux)
  • You have ongoing jaw, muscle, or headache pain related to your bite

The extent of your reconstruction will depend on the condition of your teeth. Your dentist may recommend crowns, bridges, veneers, or implants to restore your smile to its best possible condition. He or she will also address the state of your gum tissue, as the health of your gums may impact the type of restorations you receive.

Your treatment plan will entail a step-by-step process detailing all aspects of your reconstruction. The duration of your treatment will depend on the extent of work needed, but in the end it will all be worth it. Your teeth, mouth, and smile will be healthy and beautiful for the rest of your life.

Nightguards in Glendale, AZ

If you often wake up with jaw pain, earaches, or headaches, or if you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, you may have a common condition called “bruxism.” Many people do not even know that they grind their teeth, as it often occurs when one is sleeping. If not corrected, bruxism can lead to broken teeth, cracked teeth, or even tooth loss.

There is an easy, non-invasive treatment for bruxism: nightguards. Nightguards are an easy way to prevent the wear and damage that teeth-grinding causes over time. Custom-made by your dentist from soft material to fit your teeth, a nightguard is inserted over your top or bottom arch and prevents contact with the opposing teeth.

A Breakthrough Treatment for Gum Recession

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Pinhole Gum Treatment

What is gum recession?

Gum recession refers to the loss of gum tissue along the gum line. This can occur as a result of periodontal disease (gingivitis, periodontitis, advanced periodontitis), the natural aging process, or abrasive habits when it comes to brushing the teeth.

Why should gum recession be taken seriously?

When gum recession occurs, the root structure of the tooth becomes exposed. This means that tooth decay and other problems can affect the teeth along the gum line and beneath it. Since healthy gums are essential for a healthy mouth, getting gum recession treated is important for lasting dental wellness.

What is the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST)?

The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique is a minimally invasive option for treating gum recession. Unlike traditional grafting techniques, PST is incision and suture free.

All of the tools and techniques used to perform the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique were created by Dr. John Chao, and who trained our doctor.

How does the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique differ from traditional gum grafting?

Traditional gum recession treatments involve the use of donor tissue or soft tissue grafts in order to rebuild the gum line. This soft tissue would be sutured in place and would join with existing gum tissue as it healed.

While this traditional grafting treatment is effective, comparable results with better patient experience can be achieved through the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique.

How is Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique performed?

During the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique, a needle is used to make a small hole in the patient’s existing gum tissue. Through this pinhole, special instruments are used to gently loosen the gum tissue.

These tools help expand and slide the gum line to cover the exposed root structure.

There are no grafts, no sutures, and no incisions needed with the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique. It simply involves the adjustment of the existing tissue.

What are the benefits of Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique?

The benefits of the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique are many:

  • Less discomfort for the patient after treatment
  • Faster recovery for the patient than traditional grafting
  • No need for uncomfortable sutures
  • No need for scalpels or invasive surgical tools
  • No need to take donor tissue from the patient’s palate
  • Excellent, natural-looking, long-lasting results